This week we’re looking at the Top 5 Brands exclusive to market on radio in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide, Perth, Central Coast/Newcastle and Geelong between 6am-6pm Monday-Friday for the last four weeks.

The top brand exclusively on air in Sydney is Gerard Malouf & Partners (GMP) with 246 spots aired in the last four weeks. During this time, 94 of those spots were on 2CH, followed by Talking Lifestyle 954 airing 72 spots. While in Melbourne, the top spot went to the Family Peace Foundation with 481 spots, of those 82 were on Smooth 91.5 and 80 on SEN.

The most played brand exclusive to Brisbane was Queensland University of Technology QUT airing 357 instances, Hit105 airing 146 spots. On the Gold Coast the top exclusive brand was Big Boys Toys Expo with 134 instances, 59 airing on Sea Hit90.9.

The most played exclusive brand in Adelaide was Puratap, airing 489 instances, the most of any exclusive brand across Australia with 149 instances aired on Hit107, while the top brand exclusively on air in Perth was Perth Wildcats with 213 spots, of those 71 were played on 6IX.

In the Central Coast and Newcastle, the top exclusive brand was Cardiff Toyota airing 372 spots with 153 of those on New FM. The most played brand exclusive to Geelong was the Gordon Institute of TAFE playing 148 spots, of those 80 were on Bay FM.