With Valentine’s Day tomorrow, we have compared the top Jewellers, Florists, Restaurants and Chocolate advertisers on radio during the last six weeks.

Argyle Jewellers had the most advertisements on air in the Jewellery category with 327 spots placed in Brisbane on 4BC and 4BH. Diamonds International followed closely behind, airing 322 ads.

Boydita Flowers Delivered and Rose Gallery were tied as the most heard florist during this time, each receiving 28% of airtime for the category. All spots for Boydita Flowers were placed on Star 104.5 on the Central Coast, while all Rose Gallery ads were heard on Sydney’s The Edge. Mr Roses aired one fifth of florist advertisements across the Nova and Smooth networks.

Danny’s Seafood was the most advertised restaurant, placing all 958 spots on 2SM Sydney. In second place was Rashay’s with ads on both KIIS1065 Sydney and Hit 101.3 on the Central Coast.

Comparing confectionery advertisers, Haigh’s Chocolates came out in front with 56% of airtime, meanwhile Cadbury received 44%.