The last two months have been jam-packed with sport including State of Origin, Wimbledon and The World Cup, so we’ve checked out the top sporting brands during this time.

SANFL was the most advertised sporting event with 787 instances across five stations. Rebel Sport was the most popular sporting goods store, with a 36% share of the Top 5, airing 2,209 ads on 15 stations.

The Australian Turf Club took out the top spot for sports clubs with all 724 instances airing on Sky Sports Radio.

AirCheck Client Services Executive, Riarne Gale said “Sport advertising on radio over the last two months has dramatically increased with almost 10,000 more sport ads in the last two months than the previous two.”

Taking a look in the Gambling category, Sportsbet aired the most ads with 6,047 spots in this time. Triple M Brisbane aired the most, accounting for 401 instances.