Nova937 & Hit92.9 shared 39.4% of their playlist over the last four weeks. Hit92.9 played a greater variety of tracks, 47.2% of tracks they played were not on Nova937 during this time. The most played song across the two stations was Rudimental’s ‘These Days’ featuring Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen with 366 spins – the track is still at the top of our airplay chart after four weeks.

Comparing the same stations in Adelaide, there is a crossover of 22%, while Hit107 played the greatest variety of all stations compared, with 68% of songs played not on Nova.

Triple M Adelaide and Mix 102.3 shared 12.9% of songs during the last four weeks. Vance Joy’s ‘We’re Going Home’ was the most played song across the two stations with 152 spins. The track was also the top shared track in Perth for Nova937 and Mix94.5. The two stations shared 10.5% of their playlist last month, while Mix94.5 played a wider range of music, spinning 753 tracks that were not on Nova.

Out of the stations compared, 96FM and Hit92.9 had the lowest crossover with only 6.3% or 142 tracks shared across the two stations. The song that was most played across both stations was Walk The Moon’s ‘Shut Up & Dance’, which received 42 spins in this time.