—March 21, 2012

New Media Player, Panels & other enhancements.

AirCheck™ has made a few changes to the website to make it better an easier for you. When you next log into www.aircheck.net.au you will see the following enhancements:

  • New Media Player
  • New Brands
  • New Panels
  • New Preferences
  • New Ad Analysis
  • Credits and Sponsorship

Familiarise yourself with each new enhancement and be sure to click on the blue Help ‘?’ found on any AirCheck web page for a detailed explanation of these new service enhancements. There you will also find visual screen shots to show you the functionality of each new enhancement. As always, please do not hesitate to contact AirCheck support/training Team should you have any questions. 02 8424 3300 or info@aircheck.net.au.

New Media Player

The new AirCheck Player includes Now Playing data, station information, date and duration of the Song or Spot. You can also use the rewind and fast forward buttons to stream the previous or next event. The enhancements to the new Media Player stretch beyond the look and feel to allow strict network environments that could not previously stream audio from AirCheck, to now use this tool via Windows Media Player. If you haven’t been able to hear audio previously, try it now.

New Media Player

New Brands

Create a Panel of New Brands from this report to monitor the Brands campaign on your or a competitor station. Customise the dates when New Brands are reported.

Capture a date range to see the New Brands aired in your selected markets or stations. AirCheck will search ALL data since the service began to show Brands that have never aired before, or now, you can set a back date for the search i.e. from the start of the year, two years or start of the month.

New Brands

New Panels

The Ad Panels have been redesigned. They look different, and give you more options. The horizontal workspace has gone and the ‘side by side’ look is easier to use and more efficient.

You can now share Ad and Media Outlet Panels within your organisation. For example, you may have all of your sales clients in Ad Panels associated with your unique account clients. You can give access to Sales Assist (or anyone else) so they can run reports and also keep your client list up to date if required. This is a great tool if Account Managers are sharing clients.

Ad Panels

New in Preferences

You can now customise the Media Log colour scheme to your own look and feel. There is provision to change your own password in preferences and you can also opt in or out of the weekly AirCheck Express email.


New in Ad Analysis

Include or exclude Credits/Sponsorship in your search results in Ad Analysis. You can also sort the Category header by clicking and it will sort alphabetically.

Ad Analysis

Credits and Sponsorships

These spots/promo’s now have their own Category in Ad Analysis (Credits and Sponsorships) and appear in the Media Log highlighted in Yellow.

In Ad Analysis you can search for, and sort by this category, or disable from your ‘search’ altogether.

Media Log

AirCheck, The Leader in Broadcast Monitoring. For further information, please call us on (02) 8424 3300 or email AirCheck Support.